Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I am so totally sleep-deprived I could scream! Plus, I've got a strained rotator cuff, and boy does it hurt. The Dr. gave me what should be good drugs: a muscle relaxer and a pain pill, but they don't seem to be doing that much for me.
The house is still stuffed with furniture and one thing that I cannot do, even with the sliders (to go under the feet of the furniture) is move furniture or much of anything else. Which brings me to the cat litter. It needs changing so badly, but will DH change it? NO, NO, NO! I tried to change one, and did JUST but hurt my shoulder badly doing so. AAAaaargh. Why can't cats flush?
We need to get one of those automatic kitty litter boxes, but no way my DH is going to shell out the 300.00 for it no matter how convenient and/or clean it would be.
Despite everything, I've been in a good mood. My website needs to be totally re-done, groan. I wish I'd known last year what I know this year about html and SEO.
I am going to customize my closet too - although just with those built ins that you can get at Lowe's. If we don't enjoy the money that we have now and the pleasures, I don't know when we think that we're going to. There are things that you do get too old for. They simply don't mean as much to you as they would have 20 years ago. So glad I went ahead and got the pool.
I'm ready for Spring and for the warm summer sun, and for my son to come home from Europe.
However, after sweating all last week it turned cold again. The cats are feeling it!


Anonymous said...

I have no idea if the pain I'm feeling comes close to what you're experiencing but things are definitely SUCKING lately. My neck has been killing me since Tuesday and the only thing that gets it to stop is the constant popping of pain pills.

In other words: I feel your pain. :(

Found your blog through BlogMad, by the way.

animalfamily said...

sorry to hear you are in pain. take it easy.

can you work a pair of chopstick? that's what i do when i can't clear the litterboxes regularly for some reason or other, pick the poop out and flush them. and just throw in fresh litter until i can't properly deal with it.

lovely cat there in the pillows!

Jim Big Toe said...

Have you tried alcohol with the pills? This always works for me. Hope you feel better.