Sunday, April 02, 2006

That'll Be the Day..uh..Night!

Found this post in Stef's blog about fibromyalgia (which I do have), but I have had insomnia since the age of 6 - or at least that is the earliest I can really remember wanting to be asleep when I was awake long after everyone else was snoozing.
Some insomniacs who get rid of electromagnetic fields in their bedrooms are able to sleep like babies! You might try shutting off the circuit breaker to your bedroom and see if that helps your sleep improve, or try a magnetic mattress pad from a reputable company.
Yeah, like that's going to happen! But I thought about it for I listened to the white noise of the air purifier, and then I happened to look around (I'm on the laptop sitting crosslegged on my bed)....

So either cats are not affected by electromagnetic fields - or they are affected inversely to humans.
Maybe if I start eating their brand of cat food...
But then cats aren't vegetarians, and I am. Oh well. By the way, DH left his khakis on the bed, so of course, despite the many pillows, including the ones with little cat depressions in them, the khakis are THE absolute best place to curl up for a nap - even on the zipper side.
By the way, Stef's blog is called Look What the Cat Dragged In
I love it when people use the correct form of verbs!


Stef said...

Hey thanks for the props! Look What the Cat Dragged In can be found at
(didn't see any links, but that's cool)

Anonymous said...

Jayne, I love your name! And the cats sleep with me, too. The only thing is that the all black one wants to sleep under one arm with it wrapped around him - and he does not want me to move it all night! And it's the arm with the strained rotator cuff. Groan.

Unknown said...

I'm a die-hard feminist who thinks that women should have to register for the draft if men do

I think if women are going to be allowed in the military then they should meet the same physical requirements as the men do, and then I have absolutely no problem with it.

clunygrey said...

Of course, standards should not be lowered for anyone. But note that I said "register" - males have to register even if they are disabled. If we are going to say everone is equal, then registration should be applied equally, too.

Anonymous said...

What a cute cat! It's a little hard to tell that the first picture is one of the cat (at least I hope it is). It sort of looks like a very furry head, so I hope it's not your head :)

I did not know that sleeping with cats can help insomnia. That's great to know. I have insomnia once in awhile, nothing serious, and I have a cat. Often, I just kick him off the bed, but I think I will let him snuggle up next to me more often now.

Anonymous said...

Cats can help! Remember that touch is magical to humans - even the touch of an animal!

Amigo said...

Hey I thought this blog was cool! I liked your writing a lot!

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